> >So where did the phrase "Lid" come from, we always used to ask....
> My beginning attempts at cw contacts were quite stressful. During each contact I would copy something like.. "/fb niqe to meet v, so LID qpq". What was wrong with my radio or was it ME ? Why does everyone I qso with call me a LID ? After some ti
>me and practice I was able to copy what was actually being sent,
> "/fb nice to meet u, solid cpy". Those OM's weren't rude at all, and they did send me a nice card. So now when I qso on cw I always use 599 and never soLID cpy.
> 73,
My friends in high school and I noticed the same thing. After we
figured it out, we started to use it as a joke for each other, even on
SSB QSOs. We would always put a pause in the middle of "solid" and
maybe even a question mark at the end of the sentence, just to rub it
in. When you do it on voice ("So, Lid, copy?") you should be sure that
whomever you are talking to has a sense of humor.
Dave Bushong, Wang Laboratories, Inc. Amateur Radio Callsign KZ1O